Hospitality Memes: 8 Funny Accounts You Should Follow ASAP
Sometimes, we could all use a laugh, especially if you’re a hospitality worker. You’re in a fast-paced, often demanding industry with as many light moments as low ones. If you find yourself at the end of a long shift, check out hospitality meme accounts to brighten your day.
While Instagram might be a fantastic platform for marketing, sometimes it’s just good for a laugh.
The trick lies in finding accounts that closely match your interests, likes and, most importantly, sense of humor.
Today, we will hone in on Instagram and focus on eight accounts worth following and sharing with your team. We’ve picked the most relatable public accounts out there this year.
We reckon that at least one or two will make you smile today.
1. Funny Server Meme Account: @serverlifememes
Ready to only reference one account with all your coworkers while you’re on the job? Check out @serverlifememes. Dig into this collection of memes, jokes and references that only people who work in this industry will understand.
The content is a mixture of original memes, screenshots from funny tweets and photos from followers. Though the content varies, one thing’s for sure: you’ll relate to just about all of it. Try not to smile.
2. Hospitality Jokes: @server_life
You’ll find @server_life on Twitter, too, but their Instagram account is the one to latch onto for comic relief. It’s easier to share their posts with friends on IG as well.
There’s the odd bit of naughty language. But if you don’t mind, you’ll find plenty of gems within their content, which features many original photos.
3. Funny Hotel Memes: @hotelmemes
Listen, we all know guests are essential to any hotel’s success. But sometimes, you need a safe place online to commiserate about the “Karens.”
With 35,100 followers, @hotelmemes is one of the most popular hospitality meme accounts, and it’s easy to see why.
They regularly post content chock-full of references to interactions with guests and staff issues. Aka, only people with your job will fully appreciate the humor.
4. Food Jokes: @Chipotle
Yes, even big brands can offer any hospitality worker a much-needed laugh. @chipotle is well known for its somewhat irreverent, tongue-in-cheek approach to marketing strategy. And who can blame them? It’s worked pretty well so far!
Expect brand promo (this is a business account, after all). But there are loads of refreshingly non-branded, hilarious content to be had, too.
5. Food and Hospitality Worker Memes: @dennysdiner
The Denny’s Instagram account isn’t as laugh-out-loud funny as some accounts here. However, all their posts contain a healthy dose of self-referential humor and wonderful wordplay.
Denny’s also makes the cut of must-follow accounts because you can learn a thing or two from their marketing team. If you want to beef up your Instagram marketing and growth skills, give this account the time of day.
6. Hospitality Joke Account: @lovehatehotels
If one Instagram account description sums up this industry, it’s the Love Hate Hotels’. “The Hotel Industry: Love it. Hate it. Can’t escape it.”
Every post is golden. You’ll find several weekly posts that’ll have you wondering, “Are we working at the same place as this account owner?”
7. Funny Bartender Memes: @bartender_memes
The name of this Instagram account alone should be enough to tempt you to hit that follow button. We can confirm that it lives up to its promise of being a meme page about what working in the bar scene is really like.
That’s precisely what you get. If you work behind a bar in any establishment, you’ll immediately recognize many of the in-jokes and musings.
8. Hospitality Memes: @confessionsof_aserver
It takes a long time to build a following on Instagram of over 35,000. But it’s not hard to see how this guy has done just that.
Run by QHarris from TikTok, this account is as honest and ‘inside baseball’ as it gets. Dive into his hospitality meme account. You’ll see what it’s really like to be a server in the modern hospitality industry.
Why Humor Matters with Social Media Marketing
Did you notice that some of the accounts above are brand accounts? That means they’re owned, operated and strategized by businesses.
So why did these companies choose to focus on humor? Shouldn’t they be careful with what they say, do and post on social media?
Of course, an Instagram account isn’t an open invitation to throw caution to the wind with your brand image. Remember, once you post something on the internet (private or public), it’s on there forever. But if it suits your brand’s image, hospitality memes are a great way to boost your following and online reputation.
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