Stadium WiFi Solutions: WiFi for the Masses

Marketing 9 minute read 26th June 2024

Chances are you’ve been in a sports stadium of some shape or size before. Stadiums are hubs of celebration and entertainment; they are perfect places for WiFi, whether to share footage or communicate. And that’s all without considering the marketing benefits for the stadium itself. You can see why so many businesses seek stadium WiFi solutions.

Sports fans want to share the most memorable moments and easily communicate with friends and family. Stadiums rely on marketing to remain open, and WiFi is a golden ticket to building customer loyalty. In short, a good stadium WiFi solution is worth its weight in gold.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the entire process. We’ll cover everything from setting up stadium WiFi to learning why on earth you should invest in the first place. WiFi must be a priority when handling customer experience-reliant businesses, not an afterthought. Let’s get your stadium leaving the right impressions every time!

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Why Offer WiFi at Sports Stadiums?

You should offer WiFi for stadiums because it benefits stadium operators while keeping sports fans happier. Why wouldn’t you want that magic combination?

By offering WiFi, you (first and foremost) enable your attendees to stream the event. This is fantastic for publicity but also great for the fan experience. They won’t need to rely on mobile data and can share their experience freely.

It’s also a great practical tool for fans. Anyone who’s had a stadium experience knows that it’s a nightmare when you lose friends or family. Entertainment venues overflow with crowds, and offering WiFi offers that extra help when needing to contact people. Stadium WiFi is a real game-changer for guests.

Regarding the benefits of sports stadiums, everyone knows sports events are a great way to attract customers. However, it isn’t just about attracting fans but keeping them. WiFi can maximize customer loyalty and is a fantastic investment in customer attrition.

The main WiFi marketing strategy is through captive portals, which collect guest details in exchange for WiFi access. Once you have their contact details, you can easily keep fans in the loop for upcoming events. You can also send targeted marketing content, like SMS messages or email newsletters. Offering WiFi to guests is like wedging your foot in a door.

3 Top Benefits of WiFi For Sports Stadiums

So you know the main reasons why you should offer WiFi in stadiums. But let’s narrow things down further and get crystal clear on the top benefits of offering WiFi for sports stadiums.

Understanding the top benefits is important for strategizing accordingly. You can’t expect to pick all the apples in an orchard; it’s better to focus your energy on the best branches. Out of all the reasons to invest in stadium WiFi, these are the ones to pay attention to.

1. WiFi Facilitates Captive Portals

Captive portals are a biggie. This strategy uses your WiFi to collect marketing contacts from guests, so it’s a huge benefit. You can easily set up captive portal WiFi with software online, saving all those contacts for later use.

2. It Lets Guests Share Content

WiFi lets guests share content in real time. This benefits your business by providing organic marketing, but it also helps guests feel excited and included in the experience. You can further encourage this by displaying hashtags and tagging options for guests to feature on your social media.

3. It Can Boost Accessibility and Guest Experience

As public venues, accessibility and overall guest experience should always be priorities. You can use WiFi to offer subtitles for deaf attendees or provide a map displaying accessible access routes and facilities.

You could use it to boost the guest experience, provide extra information, or just as a comfort blanket of connection.

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Setting Up Stadium Wireless Internet: What To Expect

WiFi isn’t particularly difficult to set up. In fact, you could have it up and running in just a day or less. However, you will have more to consider when setting up stadium wireless internet.

Your biggest issue will be establishing coverage in all areas of the stadium. You’ll also want to research providing a strong enough network to support its capacity. To do this, it’s best to consult your internet service provider and plan for a trial run. You’ll likely have to invest in mesh WiFi or extenders of some sort.

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Top 3 Stadium WiFi Solutions

Enough about all that; what about finding stadium WiFi solutions? Well, the good news is that you won’t have to look far. Here are three of the top software to use for stadium internet.

1. AV System

AV Systems are great choices for venue WiFi. They can support large venues with thousands in attendance and include extra plug-ins like analysis features.

2. Cisco

Cisco is a popular choice for WiFi and offers a specialist stadium solution. It prides itself on excellent high-capacity coverage and comes into its own for strong user security.

3. Purple

Purple has a smart marketing integration that allows you to collect customer details while offering large-scale stadium WiFi. This is good if you want plenty of in-built analysis and marketing tools.

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Beambox: Transforming Your Stadium WiFi’s Potential

Speaking of in-built marketing tools, that just happens to be our bread and butter. Setting up a captive portal alongside WiFi marketing analysis tools is necessary when tackling stadium internet provision. These small steps can transform your stadium WiFi’s potential, allowing you to invest in your future.

We provide an all-in-one WiFi marketing software with a captive portal that you can adjust to meet your needs. Having that flexibility is vital, especially when catering branding to a group as passionate as sports fans. It isn’t just about offering WiFi but how you use that service to solidify future success.

Once you have WiFi up and running, setting up a captive portal only takes 30 minutes or so. This tiny action could really improve your future.

Start your Beambox free trial today and finalize your stadium WiFi solutions!

Grow your business and customer loyalty with guest WiFi!

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