According to research, mapping the customer experience and the use of personalised content are deemed some of the most effective marketing tactics.
Chances are, you’ll have experienced this yourself within the last few days - perhaps unwittingly (arguably, if that was the case, the brand in question nailed it).
You may have been asked to leave a review for a recent purchase, received a discount on your next shopping trip or reminded of a brand’s existence. You may even now be following that brand on Instagram.
This is behavioural marketing in action, and we’ve got five sequences of this kind that are super-easy to implement.
Sequence 1: Go on, leave us a review

“The wisdom of the crowd remains the reason people visit TripAdvisor,” notes a 2019 report by the review giant. Reviews will either drive people towards or away from your venue - it’s therefore vital you get on top of your review game.
When to send
This should be sent after the guest has made just one visit to your venue. Ideally, the send should take place an hour after that visit (at the most, within a day of them doing so).
What to send
An email which asks for just a couple of minutes of their time to leave a review for your venue, based on a simple 5-star system.
What’s the benefit of doing this?
The more positive reviews you receive, the better you’ll rank on sites such as TripAdvisor, and the more bookings you’ll receive as a result of people reading them. Negative reviews will provide you with an opportunity to improve your service and welcome the guest back.
Sequence 2: Is it someone’s special day?

We all love to feel special on our birthdays, and as an operator in the hospitality industry, you have a unique opportunity to turn birthday wishes into sales opportunities.
When to send
Get ahead of the game and send this message a week before the guest’s birthday.
What to send
An SMS message that wishes the guest a happy birthday in advance and invites them to spend it with you, including a 10% discount booking incentive.
What’s the benefit of doing this?
Showing you care about guests and treating them as individuals will increase brand loyalty, encourage recommendations and, in this instance, guarantee a handsome booking in a week’s time.
Sequence 3: Like us!

Buying followers and spending big time on pay-per-click advertising is no way to grow your social media audience. But behavioural marketing can help you create an enviable following on the most important social channels.
When to send
Ideally sent following a guest’s first visit, and no longer than a day after their departure.
What to send
An email, welcoming the guest and inviting them to like you on Facebook (or follow on Twitter or Instagram - try and stick to one call-to-action).
What’s the benefit of doing this?
The statistics provided by your social media presence should offer KPIs for your brand’s online profile, and proactively asking guests to like you when you’re fresh in their mind is the best way to build an engaged following.
Sequence 4: A brand’s best friend

Loyal customers are gold dust. Get it right, and the relationship your brand has with them will be long-lasting and very profitable. The trick lies in identifying when a guest is turning into a brand advocate.
When to send
This is best sent when a guest has visited you for their tenth time. To really hit the spot, make sure you send the message three days after their tenth visit.
What to send
An SMS message which thanks them for their tenth visit. Include a 10% discount code to reward their loyalty.
What’s the benefit of doing this?
Loyal guests will help you incrementally increase revenue in a predictable fashion. They’ll also become your best salespeople by spreading the good word about the venue. It’s your opportunity to build a profitable club of customers.
Sequence 5: Was it something we said?

Why don’t guests return? It’s because you need to be proactive; even the most memorable stay won’t necessarily result in a return booking if you fail to re-engage with the guest, post visit.
When to send
This is best sent when a guest has visited over ten times but hasn’t been back for over 90 days.
What to send
Send a “we miss you” email (get creative and have a bit of fun with this one). Make sure you include a discount code incentive for returning and booking again.
What’s the benefit of doing this?
Customers are rarely lost entirely in the hospitality sector. If you’re proactive in chasing your lapsed customers, you’ll uncover a source of revenue which would otherwise have remained dormant, and the results will be clear to see in your monthly takings.
Are you ready to take your marketing to the next level with behavioural marketing sequences?
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