Email Remarketing: Maximizing Profits

Marketing 12 minute read 27th August 2024

You’ve heard the phrase, “If at first you don’t succeed, then try and try again.” Well, that’s a bit like email remarketing. We’ll establish a more in-depth definition in just a second. However, the main thing to know straight off the bat is that it involves retargeting customers.

An example of that would be through email marketing; the average email open rate is between 17% and 28%. That means almost less than a quarter of recipients will even open your email, let alone take action. But instead of just taking that — rather abysmal — statistic on the chin, remarketing gives you a second shot. You reach back out to the 72% to 83% of non-responders with even more enticing subject lines and content.

Remarketing your emails means going for round two with past customers or non-responsive recipients. In this guide, we’ve got all the information you need to succeed, including some examples. We’ll teach you how to get it right the second time, even if the first round was iffy.

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What Is Email Remarketing?

Email remarketing is contacting recipients again. These people could be past customers who’ve engaged with your business previously. Or they could be customers-to-be who have dodged or not opened a few emails to date. Part of what an email marketer does is to push through challenges and reuse contacts.

Remarketing is a fantastic way to use an existing database to develop new leads. Emarketing emails can include the following:

  • Cart abandonment emails.
  • Personalized emails.
  • Follow-up emails.
  • Promotional content.

Just think of Duolingo and its persistent flurry of marketing information. It heavily persuades users to consistently re-engage by using outreach strategies and lots of emotive characterization of the Duo bird. Email retargeting campaigns operate on that kind of basis, although maybe not quite as persistent!

When sending remarketing content, you’ll typically factor in purchase history or some type of prior engagement analysis. It’s important to know how customers previously did or didn’t engage with your company so you can effectively target them. You might also utilize email segmentation, and you’ll definitely use flashy subject lines to boost opening rates.

Retargeting involves careful research. It’s a specific type of email marketing strategy, and you need all the fine-tuned tools of the usual box. You still need to prioritize a compelling call to action (CTA), a grabbing subject line, and clear yet actionable copy.

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Why Use Remarketing Emails?

You should use remarketing emails because they are an effective way to flip situations and get more favorable outcomes. A follow-up email alone has a 40% higher opening rate than your initial message. That’s a big difference.

It’s also much easier to contact existing targets or customers because you already have their details. That’s less time investment needed and cheaper than sourcing new contact details. This strategy has great potential to transform your business and its prospects by making your efforts more successful. Simply put, sometimes, if you shoot for the same star, you get a better result.

The exact outcome depends on what exactly you’re targeting. Your email might aim to:

  • Increase customer retention.
  • Increase the general conversion rate of emails by targeting non-responders.
  • Drive more sales by targeting ‘low-lying apples,’ aka customers with lengthy purchase history.
  • Reduce the amount of sales lost to abandoned cart emails.

No matter the goal, you can see how useful all these aims are. Remarketing is a tool to overcome some of the more common pain points in your business. Things like low sales, poor conversion, and abandoned carts are all fixable with remarketing. Just check out some funny email subject lines and see what you can overcome.

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3 Examples of Remarketing Emails

Are you sold on the idea of a remarketing email? Great. All that’s left to do is start writing them for your customers. To get creative, it can help to see some inspiration beforehand. This way, you’ll have an idea of what works versus what doesn’t work.

These three examples of remarketing emails should help. Here are the types of content that you can expect to see other businesses using. Feel free to steal the whole idea or adapt it to use as a launchpad for your own.

1. Abandoned Cart Emails

There are many ways to approach an abandoned cart email. For instance, you could make a jokey subject line like “Oops. Do you remember what you’ve forgotten?” Or you could lean into urgency with, “This is running out of stock; we can’t hold your cart forever.”

The usual reactions to draw on are:

  • Surprise
  • Guilt
  • Shock
  • Impulsivity

These emails drive customers towards that unfinished action — finally completing payment.

2. Personalized Emails

You don’t need us to tell you how useful personalization is as a tool. It involves knowing your customers inside out and perhaps investing in additional software for things like personalizing names on newsletters. Because it’s such an umbrella term, personalized emails can function in various ways when remarketing.

An example might be targeting a past customer with a promotional email. You could feature a selection of items that an algorithm calculates as of interest to that individual. Or you could do something as simple as giving them a discount code featuring their name.

These emails target individuals in a way that will be most effective for them. They involve a lot of preparatory analysis and ongoing engagement tracking. Keep that purchase history handy if this sounds like a good approach for you.

3. Follow-Up Email

Again, a follow-up comes in all shapes and sizes. You might follow up after a guest dines at your restaurant — asking for details like a star rating and feedback. Or you could reach back out to email inquiries, offering unique discounts to re-attract interest.

These follow-ups are fantastic for driving action, especially after a bit of silence. Nothing is as effective as restarting a conversation.

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It’s always worth reiterating important information, so this section will do exactly that. Let’s take a look at the questions that people ask a lot.

You should already be measuring customer loyalty, but don’t overlook opportunities to create it proactively. Remarketing emails is a way to stop potential regulars from slipping through the cracks. These are the top FAQ to remember.

Can I remarket via email?

Yes, you can remarket via email. Email remarketing is fantastic because it provides more room for copy than SMS messages.

You can also bulk-send content using marketing software, making it an effective strategy for large numbers.

What is email remarketing?

Email remarketing is when you reach out to anyone you’ve engaged with (or engaged with) in the past. You send these existing contacts fresh marketing material in an attempt to re-attract them.

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Beambox: Remarketing Visiting Customers

Of course, not everyone who engages with your business will do so online. If you have a physical store location, we’d suggest using captive portal systems to facilitate later remarketing.

Think about it: If you don’t get their details at that moment, how will you retarget? Every person who crosses your threshold is a possible later candidate.

A captive portal is a clever system that collects contact details in exchange for WiFi access. It works a bit like this: Imagine a customer walking into your restaurant; they see a WiFi sign, so they check their network settings.

Clicking on your WiFi network takes them to a pop-up webpage. To access your internet, the webpage invites them to enter a series of details into a form.

These details could be anything from phone numbers to reviews and email addresses — perfect in this case. Your customer then enjoys full WiFi, and you get a contact to use later for marketing. It’s the ideal balance, especially if your business primarily caters to in-person visitors.

To utilize email remarketing, you’ve got to be able to reach them. Transform your business and start collecting email addresses now. Stop letting opportunities slip through your fingers!

Start your Beambox free trial today and make the most of all those threshold-crossers!

Grow your business and customer loyalty with guest WiFi!

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