How To Extend WiFi to Another Building: A Lifesaver Solution
Knowing how to extend WiFi to another building is a skill worth its weight in gold. Wi-Fi extensions are life necessities, whether getting Wi-Fi to an outbuilding or having a spaced-out living space. It simply extends the area that your WiFi already covers. This means you can use the same WiFi connection without purchasing separate WiFi. Brilliant, right?
It’s easy to see why many people rely on WiFi extensions to navigate internet connection in less traditional layouts. WiFi signal can be a fickle friend, and even thick walls can set back your internet connection and speed. The way WiFi extenders work makes them a fascinating tool.
So, knowing how to extend your WiFi, personally or for a business, is a valuable skill. It doesn’t need to be expensive either. We’ve got some simple solutions coming up that will transform your internet coverage.
Are you excited? Great. Let’s get practical with a solution-oriented guide to extending your WiFi.
The Best Way To Get Internet to Outbuilding Areas
When considering ways to extend WiFi to another building, it begs the question of the best way forward. Extending WiFi naturally requires some form of range extender. Here are four of the best options:
1. Mesh WiFi
Your first option is the best. Mesh WiFi simply adds WiFi nodes between buildings. These nodes rebroadcast your WiFi signal, passing it between them and covering a wider area. It’s an effective way to extend your WiFi, especially when boosting through thick walls. With that said it can be a little expensive. A WiFi Booster App enhances your internet speed and strengthens weak signals, ensuring seamless connectivity for all your online activities.
2. Point-to-Point WiFi Connections
This simple solution involves creating a wireless bridge between two routers. This is an excellent idea if you have one main outbuilding you wish to connect. It’s simple and easy to set up. While it doesn’t cover as ample a space as mesh WiFi, it’s cheaper and has less room for software complications.
3. Running Ethernet Cables
Ethernet cables are physical cables that run between buildings. You hire someone to install them professionally, keeping the cables dry and hidden. This is an excellent option if you’re happy to invest in installation costs and want to avoid potential wireless hiccups.
4. Separate WiFi
Are you still wondering what is the best way to get the internet to outbuilding areas? It might be worth buying a separate WiFi package. Your WiFi provider might be able to offer you a deal on a second purchase, so it’s worth checking. It might sound obvious, but it’s worth weighing up the costs.
To improve connectivity in remote areas, you can extend WiFi via Ethernet by connecting a router or access point to the main network. There are thousands of reasons to extend your WiFi, and your best solution depends on your circumstances. You could extend your WiFi to a guest house or home office. You could extend to a shop if you live above your business. Do this to learn if WiFi extenders really work. See which best suits you.
Mesh WiFi Between Buildings
When debating how to get internet from one building to another, one solution that immediately pops up is mesh WiFi. You can find tons of mesh WiFi definitions online. However, the main thing you need to know is that it doesn’t have a single access point like traditional WiFi. Instead, it has multiple access points, which rebroadcast the WIFi signals they receive.
Think of it as a game of wireless signal dominoes. When one gets a knock, it passes it on to the next. You just place nodes around your buildings and have one main “base station.” As you can see, mesh WiFi between buildings is a great way to extend WiFi. It is a reliable method and popular amongst businesses with multiple buildings on the property.
Rather than messing around with power cables and ethernet cable attachments, it relies on wireless signals. You end up with a brilliantly connected network of nodes that eliminate WiFi dead zones and extend your range. What’s not to love?
Mesh WiFi is brilliant if you have the budget to set it up and maintain your newly complex system. It’s great in terms of effectiveness, but its one caveat is cost. This is one of the most expensive range extender strategies you can invest in — simply because you are purchasing more.
You have to buy the nodes, which can be 3-5 in a single building, and more complex software. And that’s without even factoring in the maintenance cost. For this reason, it is best for established businesses looking to extend WiFi across buildings. More established buildings will likely find the ongoing and upfront cost more justifiable, especially when deductible on expenses.
How To Extend WiFi From House To Shop
If you want to extend your WiFi from a house to a shop, you have many options. Many business owners live above or next to their business property. Knowing how to extend WiFi from house to shop is a valuable tool.
You have two main options: a wireless bridge (aka point-to-point WiFi) or mesh WiFi. Here’s a rough breakdown of both.
Mesh WiFi
Mesh WiFi can connect your home WiFi to your shop through nodes. You simply place these nodes spread out across both properties. This then carries the WiFi signal between your shop and your house, sharing the same network. This is an excellent option if you have large buildings with thick walls and multiple floors. Also, routers extend the WiFi range, ensuring strong connectivity throughout the house, even in previously hard-to-reach areas like the backyard.
Point-Point WiFi
Point-to-point WiFi is better if you have a small house with minimal rooms and thinner or average walls. A great example of this is a flat above a shop. Point-to-point WiFi creates a wireless bridge between two routers, creating a single connection. This works perfectly when there’s minimal interference. So, if you have fewer barricades, like multiple walls, and less area to cover, it’s a cheaper and more effective option.
As you can see, extending your WiFi from your house to a shop doesn’t need to be complicated. These two solutions should keep you well-connected in both settings.
How To Extend WiFi to Another Building on Different Budgets
Are you wondering what you should budget for WiFi extensions? This is an important question, as your budget will dictate your options. So, let’s look at a rough cost breakdown.
We’d budget around $200 plus your standard internet network provider fees for mesh WiFi. Point-to-point WiFi costs around $100, and Ethernet installations cost about $150-200, depending on your property size.
Once you have your WiFi set up, the doors open are endless. This is especially true if you share WiFi with a business space offering customer services. You could invest in a captive portal network to boost your marketing prospects. This is also a good idea for security, increasing your power over your network use.
Are you ready to embrace the power of WiFi? With your WiFi extender out of the way, you can focus on the good stuff. At Beambox, we help you set up a WiFi marketing system using captive portals. Start your Beambox free trial now. You know how to extend WiFi to another building; here’s a lifesaving marketing solution as well.
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