A quick story to get our message across. Imagine we’re talking about your business and your customers.
George walks into Billy’s Bistro, he’s looking for lunch and takes a seat. Naturally, his phone’s out and he’s looking to get connected. It doesn’t take long for him to join “Billy’s Bistro Free WiFi”, where he enters a few details and gets redirected to Billy’s Bistro Instagram. A quick follow and it’s time to eat.
5 hours have passed, George receives a personalised email from Billy’s Bistro asking him to leave his rating. The food was quick, tasty and he’ll be back. It’s a 5-star experience, so that’s what he clicks. He’s asked to leave a full review which is then published to TripAdvisor so that everyone knows what a great lunch George had.
While we do love a great fictional story from time to time, this isn’t one of them. What we told you above is not only achievable but already used by over 5,000 Beambox customers to get more positive reviews.
Using Review Automator to grow on autopilot
We are about to dive into each stage of the Review Automator strategy. By the end, you will understand exactly how to execute this big-business strategy for your venue without breaking (or even upsetting) the bank.
Here are the goals of Review Automator 👇
- Increase your average review score on Google, Facebook and TripAdvisor
- Accelerate the amount of 4 and 5-star reviews that you get
- Deflect negative reviews (3 stars and below) from going public
Before I lose your attention, I better hurry up and tell you how exactly we are going to make this happen.

Using Review Automator, we engage with your guests by email automatically a few hours after they visit your venue for the first time.
This intelligence is powered by your Beambox WiFi login, which gets your guests connected to the internet quickly and easily while collecting a few details from them (This also provides the important benefit of legal compliance).

The branded email includes a 5-star rating, which the guest can click to leave a review. We then have technology in place to either deflect a negative review with an internal feedback form or push a positive review to your Google, Facebook and TripAdvisor review pages.
Maximising positive ratings
If a guest leaves a 4 or 5-star review, they’ll be automatically forwarded to leave a full review on your TripAdvisor, Google or Facebook review pages.

This means that every guest who visits your venue is prompted to leave a rating of their experience.
Because of the highly personalised nature of these emails, our customers have an average engagement rate of 37%. That’s 37% of every recipient who leaves a rating.
Let’s say that an average of 200 guests connects to your WiFi in a 7 day period. With Review Automator active, that is an average of 74 fresh ratings every single week.
That’s a whole lot of positivity hitting your review profiles.
Deflecting negative feedback
In my opinion, the handling of negative reviews is even more important than maximising positive reviews. The truth is that even a hypothetically perfect venue will at some point in time have a disgruntled customer looking to vent on your review profiles.
This isn’t something to be rejected or shunned. You should nurture your negative reviews, curate them and use them as business insights to push your brand forward.
So, if this was a perfect world, we would 👇
- Stop negative reviews from going public
- Not lose valuable insight into the guest’s experience
Beambox realises this perfect world by redirecting negative reviews to an internal feedback form, stopping them from going public on your review pages.

Behind the scenes, you still get to see the negative reviews in all their glory. Even better, you can reach out to them through email to repair the relationship and retain the customer.

This enables you to have a more fulfilling negative experience strategy. When we reply to negative reviews directly, there’s little that we can do apart from saying sorry. It’s tough to truly solve the problem and retain the customer.
Using Review Automator, the negative review becomes a retention opportunity that empowers you to turn disgruntled guests into loyal customers.
Elevating your venue to the top of the rankings
Going back to our 3 signals of review site success, we know that we need volume, quality and consistency if we want to grow your venues online reputation into an engine of fresh footfall.
Review Automator has been designed to accomplish all 3 of these signals. Volume by prompting every guest to leave a review after their first visit. Quality by deflecting negative reviews with an internal feedback form. Consistency by providing a constant flow of new reviews from existing customers.
The Review Automator strategy is like a swiss army knife for your online reputation. With minimal effort, it pushes you way beyond the pace of your competitors.
This isn’t a new strategy, in fact, it’s been used by big businesses for quite some time. What we have done is packaged it up into an easy to use solution that is accessible to venues of all sizes.
Have you decided to convert your venues online reputation into a growth tool?
There’s one step you can take today to start sailing down this promised river of growth for your venue. Sign up for the Review Automator free trial. It gives you 30 days of the full Review Automator strategy, completely free.
Today, over 5,000 venues use Review Automator to establish their competitive edge. We are looking forward to helping you make that number 5,001.
Start a trial now
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