Yes, you can use landline texting for business marketing. In a world with 4.88 billion mobile phones, you might wonder why you should invest in landline marketing. However, it’s worth remembering that it’s only 60.42% of the world’s population. Targeting people by landline phone ensures you don’t miss a significant proportion of the demographic.
Texting a landline enables you to connect with those who either don’t have mobile phones or use both communication types. The service cleverly converts written texts to voice messages; it’s like leaving a voicemail message. And since text marketing has a 98% open rate, why wouldn’t you want to get in on that action?
In this guide, we’ll introduce you to everything you need to know about landline texting for your business. Get ready for benefits, definitions, solution recommendations (with prices), and common FAQ. By the end of this article, you’ll be a seasoned landline text expert. So, let’s get started!

What Is Landline Texting?
It’s when you send messages to a text-enabled landline instead of solely relying on SMS or cold calling. It utilizes a converting method to transform a written text.
So, instead of you ringing someone, the recipient gets a phone call and an automated voice. It means you can send thousands of messages at a time — an efficient way to manage your marketing. More on that later.
In short, landline capabilities are better than you think. A landline text messaging service lets you contact customers with marketing content. You’ll get the chance to essentially bulk send phone calls, which holds similar benefits to blast emailing. Landline text messages are a smart way to contact those still operating on fixed wire connections. It works in reverse, too, allowing you to receive texts from a business landline.
Stuck on what exactly to say? Well, it’s no different from how you’d write a text. Just check out some SMS marketing examples. Stick to a hook and call-to-action sandwich format, and you’ll soon see results. It’s actually easier than cold calling because you don’t need to be able to go “off script.”

3 Benefits of a Business Landline Texting Service
When justifying doing things differently, you’ve got to know the benefits. Using a landline texting service is undoubtedly a different way of doing things, especially compared to email or SMS marketing.
So, why use landline texting for business? What are the benefits of utilizing a business landline texting service? We’ve already brushed on some pros of this approach, so here’s a more in-depth selection of this method’s benefits.
1. It Saves Time
There’s no denying that bulk sending is a great time-saving tool. Using a landline service to text customers cuts out all the time you’d spend on cold calling. What could take 30 minutes instead takes seconds. It’s a no-brainer — especially for busy business owners.
2. It Widens Customer Engagement
The customer experience you provide doesn’t have to always be the same. And by widening your net with more inclusive marketing options, you diversify customer engagement. This means you get more engagement from a greater range of individuals you may otherwise not reach.
Furthermore, this is just a more pleasant approach to take with your business. Eventually, this care-for-all attitude will leak into more positive levels of customer satisfaction.
3. It Saves Money
Who doesn’t want to save money? SMS text message marketing for small businesses is notoriously budget-friendly. It involves snappy copywriting and minimal time investment, translating to fewer staffing requirements. Landline texting is the exact same. The low time demands mean that the overall cost is much lower.

Top Landline Texting Solutions
Now that you have all the information, let’s help you make a start. It is more complex than just picking the best SMS marketing platform. You are selecting more specialist services, and the recipient is required to enable their landline to receive texts. There are a few hoops to jump through.
Here are some of the top landline texting solutions to stay on top of the marketing game.
1. Simple Texting
Simple Texting is a landline texting service that offers a free demo and trial. It’s perfect for dipping your toes in with minimal commitment. It allows you to have two-way conversations while using your existing phone number. Prices start at $39 a month for 500 texts.
2. BT Text
BT Text’s system facilitates two-way conversations between mobiles and landlines. You just register by texting register to 00000. Pricing sits at around 10p a message with some variations depending on whether you’re texting a business or foreign number.
3. SlickText
SlickText is better if you want something that goes beyond just voice capabilities. It offers an analytical dashboard with features and automation for you to use to improve your marketing campaign. As a business owner, this is the real deal. It will help you shape your approach and facilitate going the extra mile.
Pricing (although you get a free trial) starts at around $29 a month for up to 500 texts a month.
It’s worth reiterating some key points to consolidate your understanding. Revising some of the most commonly asked FAQ is a great way to do this.
How can I text from a landline?
You simply contact your broadband provider to request further information on registering for landline texting services. You can also utilize a third-party provider to access software complete with an analytical dashboard.
Can you text a landline?
Yes, texting landlines is possible. Instead of receiving a written text message, the recipient gets a phone call with a recorded message. It’s like a voicemail system, except in real-time. You can organize this service by registering and enquiring directly with your broadband provider.
Is landline texting worthwhile for businesses?
Yes, landline texting is a clever business strategy when your target demographic doesn’t rely on mobile phones. Only 60.42% of the population have mobile phones, so it’s worth researching as an alternative marketing strategy.
It also saves time and money as an alternative to cold calling; the messages take seconds to send in bulk.

Beambox: How To Start Landline Texting for Business
When contacting anyone, you need to understand customer data collection. One of the cleverest ways to collect information is through a captive portal network.
Captive portals are a system that temporarily blocks customers from accessing your WiFi. Instead, it whisks them to a pop-up webpage form. They input the details you request, and voila! You get marketing contacts, and they get WiFi. Perfect, right?
At Beambox, we offer customizable captive portal software that syncs with an insightful, all-in-one WiFi marketing platform. What does this mean? Well, you control how your portal looks and what details it requests. Then, you sit back while it passively collects the details you need — with a dashboard for you to check your progress.
It’s the ideal partnering when investing in landline texting for business marketing. Start your Beambox free trial today and collect phone numbers with intent!