Utilizing an SMS blast service is a smart way to take your business to a more efficient and successful level. Have you heard of email blast marketing? The two are practically identical, both involving sending out mass communication through specialist software with just a single click. Rather than texting individual phone numbers, you can send out text messages en masse.
There are many reasons why you’d want to use SMS blasts. And don’t worry; we’ll unpack all the benefits of this strategy in just a few minutes. However, the main point to instantly understand is how much time this approach saves. You won’t be faffing around with copying and pasting each message, instead streamlining your whole campaign.
In this guide, we’ll run you through all the essentials of setting up an SMS blast campaign. Before investing in a service, it’s good to know what it entails and why you need it.
Here’s all the information you need to find the perfect software match and guarantee yourself success!

What Is an SMS Blast Service?
To reiterate, an SMS blasting service is software that allows you to send multiple texts simultaneously. Think of it as a text messaging headquarters — you control everything from a single point, pressing just one button. There’s no taking three minutes per single text message.
Instead of clicking on each contact to copy and paste the same message (which takes hours), the process takes seconds. This is a strategy that even small businesses using text message marketing should know.
So, how do you facilitate this much more efficient approach? The answer is through specialist software, where the “service” element comes in.
Having software allows you to cut corners and skip more menial manual work. You can invest in a monthly subscription package, ranging from around $20 monthly upwards.
These SMS marketing software come with databases for your contacts, options to bulk send, and analytical dashboards. You can see why people advise you to use software, even if you’re tackling marketing in-house.
Of course, a blast service could also mean outsourcing to a freelancer or staff marketer. Sometimes, businesses don’t buy the software themselves; instead, they entrust it to a professional as part of a package.
In these scenarios, a bulk SMS service would involve paying a marketer an hourly rate. They’d then utilize software for this particular aspect of the project for you.
In summary, it is essential to any efficient SMS marketing campaign. You can either buy your own software package and organize it yourself or outsource it to a marketing professional.

Why Use a Blast Strategy?
The main reason — as we’ve emphasized already — is the sheer time-saving capacity of it. When you use an SMS text blast service, you cut out all that manual work.
Who actually wants to individually send 1,000 identical text messages? Nobody. If you can make your life easier, you should absolutely do that, especially when SMS software is so cheap.
A lot of people overlook the fact that time is proportional to money. The more time you spend on a task, the more money it costs. You’re spending either your work hours or your staff’s paid time. It isn’t necessarily better to try to do things manually, and that’s definitely the case for sending SMS messages.
Besides, the more time you save on sending identical messages, the more time you can allocate to writing them. Do you see how this strategy can help direct your energy and talents to the best possible spot?
There are so many pro tips for using SMS marketing to boost your revenue. Many of these involve sending messages at a precise time. This is nearly impossible to enforce for a large list of phone numbers without using blast services. You get to totally fine-tune your approach.
Here’s a quick summary of all the benefits of using blast campaigns:
- Instantly sending messages rather than accidentally staggering them across less effective times with manual sending.
- Reducing the time investment, allowing you to reallocate hours to more important tasks like content writing.
- Reducing the cost of staffing hours.
- Creating a more effective campaign that’s sustainable, runs long-term, and actually resonates with potential customers.

Why SMS Is Better Than Email Marketing?
You could spend hours debating email marketing vs. SMS marketing, but the main answer is open rates. SMS marketing has a near-perfect 98% open rate, whereas the average email has an open rate of 21.5%. It’s a total no-brainer.
It’s much more likely for a recipient to see an SMS message than an email. And since marketing success hinges on the fact the recipient actually has to see what you send them, that matters. Investing in a strategy that guarantees better visibility and engagement rate is better.
Some are put off by the fact that texts have a 160-character limit. However, this also limits the amount of content writing you need. Short but sweet is definitely the way to go, and less time-demanding content is more efficient anyway.
A strong message doesn’t need to be an essay. In fact, experts have found that emails with 50 to 125 words have a better response rate. So, with a better open rate, more effective length and response rate, and less work — what are you waiting for?

3 Steps To Create an SMS Blast
Time to get practical. The best way to understand anything is to give it a go once you have all the primary information. Practice makes perfect, after all. Here are the three simple steps you need to create an SMS blast with minimal fuss and maximum positive effect.
It’s all too easy to jump into creating messages, but what about contact lists? How are you going to even begin to use SMS marketing services without an established text list? You need to invest some time into gathering phone numbers first. And as a side note, don’t relent and buy contacts unless you want to wave goodbye to SMS compliance.
One way to do this is through a captive portal system, requesting contact details in exchange for WiFi access. It’s cheap to set up, with a monthly subscription of around $20, and it just adds to your existing network.
Otherwise, you could organize competitions that require mobile numbers to sign up. You could also run a loyalty program advertised through your social media or QR code marketing. Get creative and, if possible, choose a passive process to limit your workload.
2. Choose a Software
One of the biggest considerations when sending a message blast is picking your software. Your software is what will facilitate this whole process, so it’s essential that you’re picky and do your research.
The non-negotiables are obviously the ability to bulk send SMS messages — check this beforehand if not obviously stated. You should also prioritize software that provides an inbuilt analytical dashboard so you know you’ll get instant feedback from blasts. Ideally, it will sync with your captive portal or other data collection strategies to create a passively accruing database.
Aside from that, look at reviews (obviously) and for free trials and demos. You don’t want to wind up with something totally unsuitable after investing upfront. A minimal financial investment is always the right way to approach something unknown, but luckily, it’s the norm to offer either a demo or a trial.
3. Write Your Message
With a contact database built and your software chosen, it’s time to actually sit down and draft messages. SMS message marketing is such a flexible tool. There are loads of different categories of messages you can send. And that’s all without considering how you’ll deal with inbound messages.
Will it be a drip campaign? Sending automatic messages for each specific action on your website (like confirmation texts)? Or will you be sending targeted promotional texts? Here are a few options:
- Promotional messages advertising specific products, discounts, or services.
- Customer retention messages, such as sending targeted discounts or similar enticements.
- Holiday or personalized birthday messages.
- Practical updates like delivery notifications.
- Welcome messages.

How Much To Budget
We’d recommend allowing a minimum of $20 a month if you want to send around 500 texts per billing cycle. That’s obviously quite a low amount of texts once you’re established, especially since you’ll likely send multiple types a week. You could actually use that up on welcome messages alone if your business grows quickly.
So, treat that $20 as a starting point, or jump straight into the higher allowances. 1,000 texts cost an average of $50 a month, while $80-100 should allow between 3,000 and 4,000. Anything above 50,000 texts, and you could be looking at over $1,000 a month. It’s lucky that it’s tax deductible!
Be aware of this sliding budget and really analyze the value you’re getting. That’s partly why an analytical dashboard is so important. Once you get to spend those higher numbers, each blast becomes even more high stakes; you want to improve quickly.

Finding a Free SMS Blast Service
The first question is, can you find a free SMS blast service? Unfortunately, the answer is no. You can find very low-cost options and deduct these as a taxable expense.
However, every blast service will charge either a pay-as-you-go charge, a monthly subscription, or a mixture of both.
There is a slight caveat, though, and that’s the fact you can find SMS blast software offering free trials. If you want that minimal commitment to start with, we’d recommend prioritizing an option offering a free trial. This cost-free period could range from a week or two to a month or even a few months. It all depends on the company.
This is a smart way to test the waters without immediately putting too much money on the table. It is the most recommended route if you’ve never run an SMS campaign before. You can find your feet a little bit first and opt out if it’s not for you.

5 SMS Blast Ideas
With such great results and the option for a low-risk initial investment, it’s definitely time for you to get brainstorming. Bulk messaging is a tried-and-tested strategy for fashion businesses, restaurants, hotels, and more. You can even find SMS marketing for churches; the world has truly modernized.
In this section, we’ll run you through five SMS blast ideas you can pinch or adapt. Having some SMS marketing examples can help give you that push to make a start. This is where to find some inspiration before going solo. You’ll establish your campaign in no time.
1. Promote New Content
You could direct recipients towards a new social media post or blog article. It’s a good way to drive engagement through a desire for education and information.
It’s enticing for potential customers and helps build a relationship with your target audience. It also establishes you as an expert within your niche and increases your traffic numbers. Let’s just call it an all-around win.
2. Ask For Feedback
Sometimes, the truth might hurt. But asking for customer feedback is about more than brutal self-reflection. It’s also about reducing the amount of negativity that makes it into the public sphere.
Think about it: if customers vent to you, they’re less likely to rant on Google reviews or Tripadvisor. Asking for feedback is an excellent customer service recovery strategy. It also gives you a chance to regain control, converting the unhappy customer back to a happy one.

3. Advertise a New Product
This is the one you most commonly expect: advertise a new product or service. Spotlighting an individual item is one of the most popular strategies of all time. Just make sure you pack in the most enticing copy. You really want to sell it in a natural way, ideally helped by a hefty promotional discount with a ticking time limit.
4. Order or Booking Confirmations
A confirmation text is an automatic and reliable little nod in the right direction. While other texts aim to sell or deeply engage, these simply reassure. It’s an investment in the trustworthiness of your business, and that’s worth its weight in gold.
All it takes is a simple “We’ve processed your order and will be in touch with delivery updates soon.” Or, for restaurants and cafes, “Your table is reserved, and we look forward to seeing you at * time on * day.” These small courtesies can do wonders for your rapport with customers and overall brand image.
5. Celebratory Messages
As we just explained, not everything is about driving sales; instead, rapport is vital. Sending celebratory messages (be that for Eid, Christmas, or even individual birthdays) builds that connection.
At the end of the day, the connection is what retains your customers, so it’s worth investing in. If you can, try to weave some brand relevance into messages, offering a discount or just using buzzwords.

Quick; don’t go right now. So many people get lost in the complexities of orchestrating a good SMS campaign. To help you consolidate your understanding of what we’ve just covered, here’s some quick FAQ.
What is a text blast service?
A text blast service is software that allows you to send multiple messages at once rather than individually sending texts.
It’s an automated alternative to what would otherwise be a lengthy manual process. For instance, 1,000 emails can be sent with one click rather than having to send each one. You can see why so many businesses rely on bulk-sending services instead. It’s just more effective and realistic in the long term.
What is the best text blast service?
If you want value for money, the best text blast service is Clicksend. It allows you to send up to 5,000 messages at 2.5 cents per text.
You can also dip your toe in without making immediate commitments with their free trial. And there’s a mobile app, meaning you can check it whenever it is convenient.

Beambox: Collecting Numbers
There are so many benefits of sending SMS messages. The best way to harness all of those benefits is to start collecting phone numbers today. This way, you can nail that first step and build a contact list.
We’ve already told you about captive portal software, and that’s exactly what your next step should be. This pop-up webpage form temporarily blocks access, allowing you to request mobile numbers. It’s a great way to get give and take out of your guest WiFi service.
At Beambox, that’s precisely what we do. We offer an all-in-one WiFi marketing platform with a customizable portal.
Start your Beambox free trial today and build the foundations for your SMS blast service!