Instore Marketing: Turn Foot Traffic Into Loyal Customers

Marketing 16 minute read 27th June 2024

There’s something special about the connection people feel when they visit physical stores. However, this connection is only possible when businesses use instore marketing to provide an exceptional experience.

This doesn’t mean you have to follow them everywhere they go. Marketing materials like signage, boards, and displays will do the trick if you do them right. This article will teach you strategies, examples, and tips for physical store marketing. Let’s start!

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What Is Instore Marketing?

So, what is in-store marketing in the first place? In-store marketing refers to all marketing strategies and tactics within a physical store, such as wifi marketing and captive portals. It’s about influencing customers at the point of purchase when they’re already browsing and considering your products.

Many people will visit your store to see the products after seeing an online campaign. But if you can’t impress them once they get there.

Moreover, customers only become loyal if they connect with your brand. In-store advertising is physical and allows you to build this connection faster than online marketing.

A person won’t visit your store if your offerings don’t already interest them. Marketing to them while they’re there will increase this interest until it turns into a conversion.

Lastly, you’ll be able to set yourself apart from competitors. So, if you’re worried about a competitor with a larger market share, consider investing in in-store advertising.

How Does Online Marketing Drive Instore Foot Traffic?

In-store advertising isn’t the only way to attract and convert passers-by to your store. You can also use online marketing to bring customers to your venue. For that, let’s answer, “How does online marketing drive in-store foot traffic?”

Businesses often launch online campaigns to promote exclusive in-store offers and discounts. Such ads tempt people to visit your store. Once they’re there, you can use instore marketing solutions to upsell or earn their loyalty to your small business.

Similarly, online ads about your store’s experience or limited-edition seasonal products in-store can also do the trick.

Moreover, adding your business on Google My Business and promoting it on search engines can have the same effect.

You can even combine online and offline marketing with things like click-and-collect, online reservations, and appointments.

Lastly, you can track the results of online marketing efforts and apply them to offer unique experiences in-store.

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7 Best In-Store Marketing Strategies To Engage Customers and Boost Sales

By now, you’ll have a clear idea about in-store advertising and what it can do for your business. But just like every other type of marketing, you need a proper strategy for this marketing as well.

Without a proper strategy, you might not be able to get the results you’re hoping for. Several people will pass by your store every day, and each one is a sales opportunity. So, the following sections will explore seven of the best in-store marketing strategies.

1. Offer Free WiFi for Instore Marketing

Very few things can beat free WiFi for getting customers inside your store and keeping them there. People like to stay connected while they shop, and helping them do so without using cellular data positively boosts their experience.

Remember, experience is everything once customers enter your venue. That’s why people sometimes refer to instore marketing as experiential marketing. Besides, free retail WiFi is a marketing tool that helps you as a business.

Implementing a captive portal can collect valuable customer data. This data helps you create comprehensive customer profiles for future marketing campaigns. You can even use the splash page to display targeted promotions for people inside your store.

On the other hand, you can combine WiFi and SMS marketing for a more personalized shopping experience. When customers reach a specific product, you can send them marketing messages about it.

2. Use Signage To Upsell

Getting new customers isn’t the only way to boost your in-store sales. You can also use digital signage to upsell to existing customers. This signage can be static posters or digital screens encouraging customers to spend more.

For example, create a positive image in your visitors’ minds by displaying reviews and user-generated content (UGC) from happy customers.

On the other hand, you can display informative and promotional signage at entrances and exits. Doing so will get your visitors’ attention as soon as they enter your store. It will also encourage customers exiting your venue to backtrack and buy more.

3. Engage Customers With Sensory Branding Techniques

Customers are always looking for businesses that use new ways to get their attention. One such technique is using sensory branding techniques. It works because people unconsciously listen to their senses when making purchasing decisions.

The first sense to evoke is taste. Offering free samples of edible items to taste can easily do the trick here.

Use scents and aromas that fit your brand’s perspective to evoke the sense of smell. On the other hand, jingles, music, or voice-over product demonstrations can help evoke a sense of sound.

Moreover, apply color theory to create a visual aesthetic within your store. And lastly, simply letting customers touch your products before they buy them can evoke a sense of touch. If you want to take it further, add rich textures or interactive displays.

4. Hold In-Store Events

Holding in-store events is another way to market to customers in your stores. Tactics like live product demonstrations, music events, collaborations, charities, etc., never fail to achieve the goals of in-store marketing. These events encourage people to visit your stores, even if they’re not planning on buying from you.

The more interesting your event is, the more people you’ll have. Once they’re there, you can entice customers with irresistible offers, a warm and friendly experience, or giveaways. If you can impress visitors during the event, they’ll likely return as customers.

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5. Display Interactive Kiosks Around the Venue

Statistics have revealed that stores that use interactive kiosks enjoy a 15% increase in sales. But what are these kiosks, and how do you use them for retail marketing?

Interactive kiosks are digital screens or computers that allow customers to do things independently. The most straightforward way to use them would be to allow them to choose, buy, and pay using the kiosk.

This way, you can better allocate your resources while making things easier and more convenient for customers. Not waiting in long lines will improve their experience, which is one of the goals of physical store marketing.

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6. Attract Customers Using In-Store Promotions

A store’s visitors almost always spend more when they realize that there’s a sale. Therefore, initiating in-store marketing without discounts and offers wouldn’t make sense.

To take this one step further, promote according to location. For example, offer a discount only to the visitors of a particular location. This highly personalized strategy will make visitors feel special and encourage them to use the discount.

On their next visit, you won’t have to offer discounts because they will already be fans of your offerings. You can even apply this to online visitors. Simply display a message on your website offering a discount to people who visit you in the next few hours.

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7. Leverage Product Displays for Visual Marketing

The last strategy on this list is to leverage product displays. They act as silent salespeople by grabbing your visitors’ attention. This tactic can be as simple as displaying products in a separate stand in popular spots around the venue.

For example, a grocery store can place a particular brand’s products in such displays. A clothing store can also use mannequins to display its clothes. Using augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR) will make these displays even more interactive.

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3 In-Store Advertising Examples That Will Guide Your Approach

You might feel ready to start advertising now that you know the strategies. However, looking at some in-store advertising examples will help guide your approach so you don’t have to do aggressive trial-and-error:

  1. Adidas workout sessions: There’s a reason why Adidas has become a household name. Its creative and interactive marketing techniques never fail to impress anyone. Its free workout classes for London are just one of those techniques. Fitness enthusiasts can register for classes through Facebook Messenger.
  2. French Connection coffee shop: People often take coffee breaks while shopping. French Connection took advantage of this and opened a coffee shop above its Oxford Street store. By doing so, it attracts coffee lovers while making extra revenue and introducing its offerings to them.
  3. & Other Stories vending machines: Due to COVID-19, traditional vending machines in the U.S. have been experiencing constant sales challenges. Other stores took this as an opportunity to come up with smart vending machines. The original concept is still there, but the brand replaced the physical interface with a digital one.

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4 Tips To Make the Best In-Store Marketing Campaigns

Creating in-store marketing campaigns isn’t just about offering discounts. A lot goes into these campaigns, so you must do your due diligence before creating them. So, here are four tips to create the best in-store marketing campaigns.

  1. Gather data: Gather data on your customers and implement campaigns that resonate.
  2. Test different approaches: There’s a reason why marketers insist on A/B testing their campaigns. Trying different approaches helps you pinpoint the things that work.
  3. Create connections: Use in-store marketing campaigns to tell the story behind your brand and products.
  4. Use technologies: Along with traditional marketing campaigns, leverage technology to create memorable experiences.

Instore marketing has great potential to turn visitors into customers. In-store WiFi, promotions, events, interactive kiosks, sensory marketing, and signage are part of this.

Adding digital marketing elements to your campaigns will always work in your favor. To collect customer data and automate WiFi campaigns, try Beambox. This WiFi marketing solution is helping over 12,000 businesses scale their business.

Want to be next? Start your trial now!

Grow your business and customer loyalty with guest WiFi!

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