SMS Message Campaigns: Definition, Strategies, and Tips

Marketing 19 minute read 11th September 2024

When running a business, you’ll rarely come across two customers with the same preferences and behaviors. However, there will always be one thing common among all of them. They will all own a mobile phone where you can send them SMS message campaigns.

Fortunately, SMS marketing is one of the most personalizable tools that marketers have at their disposal. Doing it right increases engagement, loyal customers, and increased sales. That’s what every business wants. However, due to the popularity of social media, they often hesitate when sending marketing text messages.

If you’re in the same boat, this article might be able to change your mind. Let’s explore the definition, components, benefits, strategies, and tips of text message campaigns!

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What Are SMS Message Campaigns?

SMS message campaigns are marketing or communication strategies for sending text messages to your target audience’s mobile phones. Even without the involvement of design and images, SMS campaigns can generate buzz, excitement, and engagement. This is one of the most significant benefits of SMS marketing.

You can use these campaigns for product releases, updates, welcome messages, and customer feedback. Businesses especially prefer SMS for time-sensitive messages like appointment reminders, payment notifications, and emergency alerts.

With that said, all SMS campaigns fall under one of three categories: promotional, transactional, and conversational.

Promotional messages aim to generate interest in a business’s products or services. While they usually include special offers and discount codes, you can also promote through brand awareness, loyalty, and urgency.

On the other hand, transactional messages include payment reminders, shipping notifications, password resets, etc. Rather than promotional content, these messages aim to provide updates about a transaction or customer interaction.

Lastly, there are conversational campaigns where businesses set prompts to make the conversation mimic humans. Customers select one of a few options, and the conversation progresses to answer the query.

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5 Reasons Why Text To Advertising Is a Valuable Marketing Tool

People often refer to SMS campaigns as text-to-advertising since they use text to reach customers. This direct approach provides various benefits that make SMS a valuable marketing tool:

  1. Opt-in nature: Getting recipient permission is the first step for sending successful SMS campaigns. This serves both you and the customer. The customer gets to keep their privacy, while only interested people end up on your contact list. These people are more likely to engage with your campaigns, bringing you better results.
  2. High open rates: With channels like social media, you don’t know if your target audience will see your ads. But most people open an SMS within seconds of receiving it. This gives SMS marketing impressively high open rates, which work in your favor.
  3. Direct and immediate communication: SMS campaigns directly reach your recipient’s phone. They don’t need the Internet to view your messages, which makes texting a direct and immediate communication channel.
  4. Cost-effective: Texting your customers is cost-effective compared to other mediums. You can send many messages for just a small fee. Besides, texts bring a high return on investment.
  5. High engagement rates: 80% of customers wish businesses would send them more text messages. This statistic suggests texting is the preferred method of advertisement for customers. As a result, it generates the highest engagement.

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SMS Campaign Bulk Messaging: 6 Components That Deliver Results

Even though SMS campaign bulk messaging offers a lot, you still need to get it right to enjoy those benefits. Understanding the components of an SMS campaign is the first step you need to take. You should know what goes into each campaign.

That’s when you’ll be able to ensure each component works in your favor and makes your campaign successful. So, let’s discuss the six primary components of an SMS campaign and what makes each one effective.

1. Recipient List

Even the most effective message will be wasted if it is not sent to the right people. So, a targeted recipient list is the first component of a successful SMS. You can build such a list by encouraging SMS opt-ins through multiple channels.

Your website would be a good place to start. Add a pop-up form for first-time visitors and offer a discount on their first purchase in exchange for their contact.

Alternatively, you can send an opt-in message through social media or email to build your list. Even in-store visitors won’t hesitate to provide you with their numbers if they’re happy with your products and service.

However, stay miles away from buying a recipient list. These often contain random contact numbers, some of which don’t even exist. Plus, these people are likely not interested in your products as they haven’t opted in.

As a result, you won’t get the engagement you’re hoping for. Then, there’s the issue of legal complications. So, only use ethical methods to build your recipient list.

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2. SMS Message Content

Without the availability of images and pretty designs to encourage customers, you’ll have to rely on words for SMS marketing. This makes the message content one of the most essential campaign components. What you say in the message can make or break the campaign.

So, firstly, make sure your message is simple and to the point. You only have 160 characters, so make every word count. Even with this limit, your message shouldn’t come across as rushed or robotic.

Secondly, creating a sense of urgency will work in your favor here. So, use words like “Now,” “Today only,” “Limited-time offer,” etc.

3. Value for the Subscriber

Each message in an SMS campaign should offer the customer something valuable. This doesn’t always have to be offers and discounts, though they greatly influence a campaign’s success.

You can also add value by providing helpful information, such as personalized recommendations, important reminders, and related tips. Free resources also work in your favor for adding value.

For example, a software or gaming company might send links for tutorials and demos in its SMS campaigns. But whatever you do, never make the customer feel like they’re getting nothing from the message.

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4. Call-To-Action (CTA)

You’ve kept the message simple, easy to understand, and valuable. But how does the customer know what steps they need to take next? That’s where a call-to-action (CTA) comes in.

Without an effective CTA, you’’ be wasting your SMS marketing efforts. It makes the message seem vague and frustrates the customer. Instead, use a verb to indicate your intended action. For example, if you’ve sent the customer a guide, say something like, “Read Now.” Other examples would be “Click to Save,” “Reply,” or “Visit our Website.”

5. Opt-Out Mechanism

Since SMS is permission-based, you should also give recipients an easy and clear opt-out mechanism. After some time, they might not need your product or service. Or they might move on to a competitor.

As a result, they wouldn’t want to receive messages from you. If they do, it will only frustrate them and waste your resources.

Besides, SMS compliance guidelines require all businesses to let customers opt out. So, add opt-out instructions at the end of each message. For example, “Type STOP to stop receiving our messages.”

6. Personalization

Personalization is perhaps the most critical component of SMS marketing. It’s easy to come across as robotic since you have limited characters to convey your message. However, you should make your customers feel like you’re talking specifically to them.

So, add their first names and other data to personalize the messages. As a personalized SMS marketing example, you can send personalized recommendations based on the customer’s previous purchases.

Alternatively, you can make them feel associated with your brand by mentioning the years they have been customers. Such things make the customer feel special and increase the message’s effectiveness.

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3 Unique SMS Marketing Strategies To Increase Engagement

After learning about the benefits and components of SMS marketing, you must be curious about its uses. While discount offers, updates, and welcome messages are common, unique ideas make you stand out.

So, firstly, you can try SMS proximity marketing. Using the customer’s nearness to your store is an excellent strategy to promote your business. So, consider offering free WiFi or installing Bluetooth Beacons to detect a customer’s device. Then, send them a push notification and promote your business.

Secondly, SMS marketing can also promote other channels. For example, you can offer incentives through SMS if customers follow your social media. Or you can send links to your blog to get more website visitors.

Lastly, current customers would also want you to solve their problems quickly. Providing customer service through SMS can help you do this. Through two-way texting, customers can send you a text. Your customer service representatives can then respond promptly.

5 Tips To Create the Most Effective SMS Campaigns

No matter what SMS campaign you’re running, there are some things you need to be mindful of. Some of these things are the only difference between a successful marketing campaign and an unsuccessful one. So, here are some tips to make your SMS campaigns more effective.

  1. Only text subscribers: As mentioned, SMS campaigns are permission-based. This works in your favor since people who give this permission are genuinely interested in what you say. So, only text your subscribers. Otherwise, your efforts might go to waste, not to mention the legal consequences you might face.
  2. Clean your lists: A subscriber won’t always remain a subscriber. People switch numbers and businesses all the time. Cleaning your lists ensures you’re not texting these people and wasting resources. Besides, it will only frustrate the recipient, which might bring consequences for you.
  3. Add your branding: Your texts should always be recognizable. Adding your name or a link to your website will ensure people know who’s texting them. You should also use your brand language to convey the message. This serves to enhance customer experience while spreading brand awareness.
  4. Keep things consistent: Making sales isn’t a one-time effort. Potential customers need a lot of convincing before they make a buying decision. So, consistency is everything when it comes to promoting your products. Send a text whenever there’s a new update or sale. Keep your customers engaged, and never let them forget your brand.
  5. Use the right software: SMS marketing is about sending bulk messages. If you try to send hundreds of texts manually, you’ll soon lose all motivation. Therefore, using an SMS marketing tool that allows automated workflows will work in your favor. Automation makes things more efficient and keeps customers engaged with prompt messaging.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Text Marketing Campaigns

Now that you know what SMS campaigns are, let’s answer some frequently asked questions about this topic.

How can I track the success of an SMS message campaign?

You can track the success of an SMS message campaign by monitoring various metrics. The most common ones include conversion rates, click-through rates (CTR), unsubscribe rates, open rates, delivery rates, and response rates.

However, the metrics you measure will depend on the campaign’s goal. For example, responses or engagement rates would be best for a message to request customer feedback.

Are SMS campaigns effective?

Yes, SMS campaigns are very effective for several reasons. High open rates, immediate communication, personalization, high response rates, and cost-effectiveness are just a few of those reasons.

However, you must apply the best practices, including SMS compliance guidelines, and choose the right timing and frequency.

What is two-way SMS marketing?

Two-way SMS marketing involves businesses sending SMS messages and allowing recipients to interact and reply. This type of text messaging campaign brings even more engagement.

Recipients can easily text their queries and ask you to solve their problems through this type of messaging.

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Use SMS Marketing To Engage, Promote, and Sell

Now, you have a clear idea about how SMS message campaigns help you engage, promote, and sell. Being one of the most personalizable marketing channels, texting helps you send targeted messages that bring great results.

So, consider the six components we discussed above and see your SMS marketing succeed. Combining SMS campaigns with other marketing tactics is ideal.

Beambox’s WiFi platform can help you collect numbers through captive portals and run SMS campaigns. You can get more reviews, increase sales, and grow your online presence. Start your trial today.

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